* Carmona Contact Center Server is a service(CarmonaSvc) that is installed on a dedicated server (installation on a virtual server is acceptable). The CarmonaSvc service (hereinafter referred to as the Carmona Server) is responsible for the interaction of all the system components among themselves, interaction with the PBX, interaction with external software components (CRM API, etc.) interaction with the database server and additional equipment (CSTA recorders of the VRS-TE series).
- The Postgre SQL 9.5 database server works with the calls database. It can be installed on any computer of the enterprise, connected to the enterprise LAN, but it is preferable to install it on the same computer where the Carmona Server is installed.
* Carmona System Manager (SyMan) - application for system configuration. It should be installed on the computer where the Carmona server is installed for initial configuration. After all initial settings are made, it can be installed on any computer of the enterprise, connected to the enterprise LAN.
* Carmona Supervisor - application for monitoring of contact center agents work . It can be installed on any computer of the enterprise, connected to the enterprise LAN.
* Carmona Agent Lite/Pro - applications used by employees (agents) of the contact center. It can be installed on any computer of the enterprise, connected to the enterprise LAN.
* XMSGW is an application that allows sending SMS messages from a smartphones running Android 2.3 or higher. To send a message, the smartphone must be connected to the enterprise LAN via WiFi or using 2/3/4G technology.
* RecIt Integration Module – interacts with RecIt software providing additional information about calls.
* Bitrix-24 Integration Module – interacts with cloud Bitrix-24 CRM, provides call information for users of this CRM and allows to make calls from it .
* Carmona OCM Integration Module – interacts with the broadcast call software Carmona OCM. Provides the information about call states and allows to run calls queues from proprietary Panasonic telephones (PT).
* Carmona IVR Integration Module – interacts with Carmona IVR software. Provides the information about call states and other required information.
* PresenceS Integration Module – interacts with PresenceS software, providing information about PBX phones states.
* Http API Module – simple http server that allows to originate calls by http requests for proprietary Panasonic telephones (PT).