Custom solution for restaurant business

TraboWallBoard – software, that allows you to monitor some statistic of call center based on Asterisk PBX.

This software was created according to the customer's requirements. You can request an implementation to suit your requirements.

This version of software can work with Asterisk v16.х.
The software consists of three main modules: Asterisk connector, database (asteriskcdrdb) connector and the
simplified Http/Https server, which provides web-interface for data reflection. The software should be installed on
PC running under Windows (see. p.2. 'Installation' of manual) as Windows service.
Data is displaying in browser (Chrome, Edge, FF), connected to Http/Https server.
Data refresh interval is set to 5 seconds.
Data time range – last 24 hours.
Displayed data:

1. Charts:
1.1. Average waiting time by hours
1.2. Not answered (abandoned) calls by hours
1.3. Total calls by hours
2. Calls in queue:
2.1. Total calls in all queues at current moment
2.2. Calls in each queue at current moment
3. Total calls:
3.1. Total calls in last 24 hours
3.2. Abandoned calls in last 24 hours
General description. TraboWallBoard v.1.0.2
4. Current time and not answered calls phones list for last five minutes.
List maximum length – 15 items.
Not answered calls with duration less than 10 seconds are not included in this list.
If customer is called back, it’s phone removed from list.
5. Time parameters and agent statuses:
5.1. Agents list with their current statuses and their summary talk time for last 24 hours.
Agent statuses are colored:
- black: idle
- gray: unavailable
- red: paused
- blue: rings
- green: talks
5.2. Agents with the longest and shortest talk time.
Zero summary talk time is not considering.